
Certify the exact time you posted your content to the Internet

What it consists of and what it is used for

Fandango allows you to reliably accredit the start of the public dissemination of certain information, for example, contracting information such as the Contractor Profile of an organization or the publication of the annual accounts of a company, among others.

This service is provided in two ways. The first certifies only the time of publication (the default mode). In the second, it is also certified that the document has not been modified over time since its publication (verification mode).

What benefits does it have for you?

  • Proof of publication date of a document
  • Check whether the published document has been modified or not
  • Check that the document is accessible at the address provided

How to apply for Fandango

  1. Access the registration form

You must identify yourself with a personal certificate issued by the ACCV or DNIe, to access the registration form.

  1. Register your application

In the form you will have to enter your data, those of your entity and application, as well as the IP address and the port in which you will make your publications.

  1. Accept the budget

After registering, you will be emailed a quote for the requested service. In response, you must return the digitally signed offer as acceptance.

  1. Use Fandango

Once you accept the quote, you will be assigned the package of contracted certifications, to consume as needed. Fandango will wait for the exact URL in the document (HTML, PDF, DOC, ODT, etc.) to be certified.

  1. Make the payment

After receiving the certification package, you will be sent an invoice for this service. You must pay the amount to the account number provided.

For more information on how to request or use the service, download our manual

Download MANUAL

Who can request this service

Organizations and entities, public or private, that need to certify the moment in which they publish their publications on the Internet.

To apply for Fandango you must identify yourself with a personal certificate issued by the ACCV or DNIe, when accessing the registration form.

How to use Fandango

To register a publication, Fandango expects to receive the exact URL of the document (HTML, PDF, DOC, ODT, etc.) to be certified.

In response, it will verify the existence of the document and generate a certificate of publication in PDF format. This will be electronically signed by the ACCV, attesting to the existence of this document in the URL provided, on a specific day and time.

The ACCV publication certificates include the summary or hash of the published document. This value allows you to determine at all times that the document has not been modified since its publication was certified.

As this check is not easy for anyone to do, the Fandango also has the following website:

What results it can give?

  • The document has not been modified.
  • The document has been modified.
  • The document does not currently exist in its original location.

What types of publishing certifications does Fandango offer?

There are two different ways. Both detect if the content of the published document has been modified.


Default mode

It will only certify the start time of a post.


Modality with verification

It includes the default modality, with an added value that consists of certifying in addition that the document remains published throughout the time in the same location.

It is important to clarify that this modality does not consist of a monitoring system, but of verification. Under this modality Fandango verifies with a certain periodicity that the document is accessible in the indicated direction and that it has not been modified.

Information that could be useful

These are some of the most common questions we receive. If you do not find an answer to your question, contact us.

How much does it cost?

The price of this service varies depending on the mode you choose. Write to indicating the details of your body, as well as the module you wish to contract and we will send you the budget adjusted to what you are looking for.

How do I contract the service?

Write to us from our contact section or call us indicating your interest in the service. You will need to indicate for which entity you want to hire it and briefly describe the environment in which it will be used. This way we can study your case and advise you, before sending you our offer.

What certificate do I need?

Depending on the type you choose, you will need either a personal certificate or an Application / Body Seal certificate, all issued by the ACCV.

How do I use the service?

There are two ways to access the service, via Web Front or Web Service. And, depending on the mode, the digital certificate to be used to identify yourself in front of the application may be of one type or another. The Web Front allows an individual to manage their publications to be certified from a WebGUI. While access via Web Service is intended for automation of management, so that communication takes place between the client application itself and Fandango.

Will I be able to monitor changes on my post?

No. With the verification mode, it will be checked periodically that the document is located in the indicated address, and that it has not been modified. But it will not monitor change.

I have changed the URL of my post. What do I do?

If the documents to be certified changed location (URL) for any reason, the post should be unsubscribed first, then a new one with the new location should be registered. In this way, the periods in which the document has been published in each location would be well defined.