About us

Your partner in digital identity and electronic trust. Get to know us better.


We are Istec, (Infraestructures i Serveis de Telecomunicacions i Certificació, SA), a qualified provider of electronic trust services for individuals and entities, both public and private, in accordance with the guidelines set forth in our Certification Practice Statement (CPS).

Istec is an instrumental public sector company of the Generalitat Valenciana.

Logo ACCV-Istec

Our products and services

The certificates we issue and the trust services we provide are qualified and comply with the provisions of Regulation 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of July 23, 2014, and Law 6/2020 , of November 11, regulating certain aspects of electronic trust services.

We thus enjoy wide recognition in all Spanish Public Administrations, and our certificates are integrated into the @firma validation platform. Also from the main manufacturers of systems and web browsers that trust in the certificates we issue by default.

The List of Trusted Services lists the qualified trusted services you provide. They are the ones identified for Infrastructures and Services of Telecommunications and Certification, SA, entity to which we belong.

Certification policies and practices

Everything you have always wanted to know about how we provide the electronic trust services that we offer you.

Among others, aspects such as the fields that are in each certificate, how is the management of the creation and verification data of signature and certificates, or the conditions applicable to the application, issuance, use, revocation and expiration of each type of certificate.

Our goals

These are some of the principles that move us:


Technical security and legal validity

Offer citizens, companies, Public Administrations, Universities and Professional Associations the necessary instruments to guarantee the security and legal validity of telematic transactions.


Promote trusted services

Promote and contribute to the development of telematic applications and services, for the benefit of citizens, companies and Administrations. To achieve this objective, coordination and technical interoperability between Administrations and with other Certification Service Providers is crucial.


End user training

Promote the training of citizens and public employees through specific training actions (courses given through the Valencian Institute of Public Administrations and the Virtual Center for Citizen Training).


Development of the Information Society

Provide the necessary support in the use of new technologies, in order to achieve the development of a digital culture that facilitates the development of the Information Society in the Valencian Community.


Universalization of digital identity

Promote technical collaboration and mutual recognition between the ACCV and other Certification Service Providers with a view to universalizing the use of certificates.